Mreža Euroguidance vas vabi na mednarodno konferenco za strokovnjake s področja kariernega svetovanja, ki bo potekala dne 30.11.2022 kot 1 – dnevni hibridni dogodek. Več informacij in povezavo za prijavo najdete v spodnji objavi.
The Euroguidance Network warmly welcomes you to an international conference for guidance professionals on the 30th of November 2022. In a one-day hybrid event European tools, frameworks and practices are reflected, as a means of building competences for the future. The event takes place in Prague (CZ) and online. It is free of charge.
Guidance professionals today need the capacity to address themes such as the changing labour market, post-Covid recovery and the transitions into a more digital and green society. The conference will bring together stakeholders from European and international guidance communities to consider how to build necessary competences amongst professionals.
The plenary sessions will introduce views from policy makers, experts and service providers. In a series of workshops and panel sessions, existing tools, frameworks and approaches will be discussed. The sessions can be joined onsite or online.
Expected participants include practitioners, policy makers, researchers, trainers and others operating in lifelong guidance, who are interested in learning more about policies and practices in Europe. Registration is needed also from online participants.